Out of all the courtship and purity books I've read (and hounded in my room, haha), this is one I didn't have a particular liking for. It was kind of...blah. Mr. Harris writes on a subject I fully support and am practicing in my own life, the principal of keeping yourself and letting God keep you clean in both your soul and your physical body, not only for marriage but for life. He writes on the importance of taking an interest in why you date and urges us as readers to take on a new attitude of selflessness and loving with Christ's love as we embark on a romantic relationship that starts first with friendship and then to marriage.
I have no doubt in my mind that this book was written out of the Lord's will and the message spoken was His, but I felt in my spirit that this particular book was not for me. I could see his message but couldn't get into it, couldn't get connected to it. Although I identified greatly with the purpose of this book, it particularly didn't interest me. If this is a subject you'd like to pursue, I'd suggested reading Get Lost by Dannah Gresh and her other book And the Bride Wore White.
I'm sure a book like this, with a message as strong and as relevant as the day it was written, will bless and help someone else- but I just couldn't identify with it.
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