The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a book focused on lost and found, adventure, and romance. Tamsen Littlejohn finds herself in a desperate position as her stepfather and suitor team up to find her...and her only resort is to head into the deep unknown with Jesse Bird, a white man raised Native American. Tamsen, born into a life of privilege and honor, finds herself challenged in new ways: not only abandoning her charmed life, but also getting comfortable around this skillful, strong man who seems to have no problem taking care of her. This forced alliance slowly turns into a love Tamsen never could've imagined for herself. But can Tamsen and Jesse forge a new life together in hiding? Will God help them through? Benton answers these questions perfectly. I enjoyed this book immensely. Benton has a way of anticipating the reader, and making every scene interesting without it seeming tediously long. This novel is 378 pages, and surprisingly very thick, which kep...